A strong immune system is vital to the preservation of your good health. Transfer Point’s Beta glucan has been subjected to rigorous studies at numerous universities, and is the most potent Beta glucan available on the market today. This 500mg, 60-capsule bottle is ideal for individuals who need higher doses for maximum immune support.
Transfer Point, Inc. is the only company that offers a Beta glucan with a minimum of 83% Beta 1,3 D glucan content, and no harmful contaminants. Every batch is independently tested and a Certificate of Analysis is provided and available upon request from Transfer Point.
Research proves that purity matters when it comes to biological activity. No other Beta glucan can match the effectiveness that has made Transfer Point’s Glucan 300® the respected name in immune support.
Dosage Instructions- To maximize the benefit of Beta Glucan, it should be taken on an empty stomach, with water. Then wait at least 30 min before eating or drinking. To reach a therapeutic value you need to take doses based on your body weight. 1 capsule of 500mg per 50 lbs. of Body Weight per day. Please understand these doses only apply to Transfer Point Beta Glucan, many other products out there on the market do not contain any therapeutic value at all and taking 100 of their pills per day will do little to nothing for your immune system.
● Weight Guide:
● 100 lbs or 45kg = 1,000mg daily (2 capsules)
● 125 lbs or 57kg = 1,000mg – 1,500mg alternating daily
● 150 lbs or 68kg = 1,500mg daily (3 capsules)
● 175 lbs or 80kg. = 2,000mg daily (4 capsules)
● 225 lbs or 102kg and any weight above = 2,500mg daily (5 caps)
Can also be given to children at the rate of 1 x 500mg capsules to every 25kg body weight. Can be taken out of capsule and added to a little apple sauce or yoghurt if necessary.
Does Beta 1,3D Glucan contain simple sugars or gluten?
No Beta 1,3D Glucan is a long chain polysaccharide classified as a fiber, gluten is a protein and is not found in yeast.
Is Beta 1,3D Glucan safe?
Yes sourced from what is commonly known as Baker’s yeast, Transfer Point’s beta glucan has a G.R.A.S. rating from the FDA. Extensive research from prestigious universities shows that it is well tolerated even at extremely high doses.
This is the same Beta Glucan supplement that is a critical part to Bill hendersons protocol.
It is the same product that is recommended by Ty Bollinger in his book and referenced throughout his “Quest for the Cures” series.
It is the #1 recommended Immune System Builder on CancerTutor.com
It is also the same product that Chris Wark recommends in his Square One Program.
This is the Transfer Point Beta Glucan brand that is manufactured by AJ Lanigan.
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